Release therapy


Throughout our lives we experience many things both happy and sad. Some of these such as weddings and birthdays are recognised by ceremonies or rituals. Others whilst life changing are not specifically marked and we are just expected to just ’get on with it’. Release therapy is a way to connect with the negative aspects of events in your life that are preventing you from moving forward.

By the use of a ritual or ceremony specifically created for each individual it is possible to identify exactly what the sticking point is and either release it at the time or determine the way to let go of this aspect. Throughout our lives we experience many things both happy and sad. Some of these such as weddings and birthdays are recognised by ceremonies or rituals. Others whilst life changing are not specifically marked and we are just expected to just ’get on with it’.

Release therapy is a way to connect with the negative aspects of events in your life that are preventing you from moving forward. By the use of a ritual or ceremony specifically created for each individual it is possible to identify exactly what the sticking point is and either release it at the time or determine the way to let go of this aspect.

At the first appointment the issue is indentified and the requirements for the ritual agreed. I will then create the form of the ritual and let you have it so that you can fully understand the procedure prior to entering into the ritual. A further date is set for you to perform the ritual. This can be done alone, with a friend as a support or I can be the support for you if you wish. The more wholeheartedly you can enter into this the deeper the effect that can be achieved.

Suitable for over 15 age group but can be used for younger children.

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