hands joined around the world

Bridges of Light 


WELCOME you are invited to join the Bridges of Light community bringing together like minded people into a joyful, loving and caring family.


 There are many people now who are following a spiritual path and in many different ways. Communities are being formed but in many cases, particularly those who take the role of teacher, find that they are isolated from others in a similar position.

We can all feel too busy to take anything else on but it is becoming more and more important that we come together as like minds, whatever our personal path and create a joyful and loving group.

Those who are attending Holistic Fairs and similar are on their own and probably have little time to even speak to others who are at that event. You are also alone, your families are not involved and this too can and should change. So often there is little fun or joy involved it is simply ‘work’




drawing of people crossing bridges

Our world has many things going on at the moment that we would like to see change. One way to do this is to come together with others to create a bigger voice and just see what we can achieve!
BRIDGES OF LIGHT GATHERING is a group that will communicate over the web but will also meet together for family gatherings to share our knowledge, try new things, have discussions and have FUN. This is a ‘non-denominational group’ only seeking that everyone involved respects each other and their individual beliefs and show the way for others to move their lives forward in a productive and satisfying way. Pass this on to everyone you know that would be interested and see how quickly we can make the group grow. If you are willing to help with organisation or any other aspect of this group please contact me.




Further information will be added as it appears. I look forward to meeting you

REMEMBER a friend is simply a stranger that you have not yet met.